“You will develop a palate.” So begins the excellent debut novel from Stephanie Danler released on May 24, 2016. Set in a thinly-veiled version of Union Square Cafe in New York City, this coming-of-age story has been described as “Girls meets Kitchen Confidential” but I think the comparisons to Portrait of a Lady and Bright Lights, Big City are much…
Restaurant Life
Recipe: Smoked Trout Rillettes
A smoked swordfish carpaccio had me at hello many years ago and thus began my addiction with all smoked foods. At the restaurant, during our “review period”, I wanted to pull out all the stops and figured that some smoky goodness was needed on our menu. We purchased a Bradley smoker that we set up…
An asparagus bed to die for
Thinking back it all started with those five little words — “An asparagus bed to die for.” Nothing like a savvy marketing bit of copy by a University English professor-turned-real estate agent that was published in the New York Times real estate section to turn our lives upside down. To be sure it would be some…