How totally cool is it that they discovered the largest (and only the second) shipwreck on land in Boston a little over a week ago?? It was at a construction site in the Seaport area and we walked over the other day to take in this historic sight. The wooden boat they unearthed was about 50 feet in length. It is believed to have sunk around 1850-80 and was likely from Maine. I just love the amount of history we are surrounded by living in Boston.
I also love the amount of FISH we are surrounded by living in Boston! My first piscine thrill of the season came by way of a delivery from Provincetown by our friend (and fisherman) Mike who dropped off some glorious striped bass (Thanks man!). Sadly Mike is not passing by on a daily basis with fresh fish but fortunately Red’s Best at the Boston Public Market is swimming in interesting options (pun sadly intended). Whole squid, tilefish, scup, Boston mackerel, day boat scallops, red fish and black sea bass are just some of the wonderful offerings I’ve seen recently. I was beyond delighted to find Spanish mackerel (also from Red’s) at the Dewey Square farmers market this past Thursday.
An interesting fish history lesson was also part of my shopping experience. I learned that the technique used to catch some of the fish such as the the black sea bass and the Spanish mackerel is called Weiring. A fish Weir (which serious predates that shipwreck they found – it was believed to first be used in Mesolithic Europe 8000 and in North America 5000 years ago) uses nets and poles to trap schooling fish like scup, herring, mackerel and squid as they migrate through shallow waters. The technique allows the fisherman to release any fish that can’t be used alive and in good condition. Weir traps are one of the most sustainable fishing techniques still practiced and, as such, the season is much longer for certain fish when they are procured via Weir (like the black sea bass). Some pics follow of a few of the dishes we put together with this bounty from the sea!

Tilefish ceviche with tomatoes, jalepeno and mint

The makings of fennel and citrus cured black sea bass
I had your bones with me today and was gojng to call you for a driveby drop but I got diverted to 128 at Braintree due to trafiic so that killed that idea
Thanks for thinking of me! Can’t wait for those bones – fish stew!